Borons "On Alllocation" / Particle Wholesale incommunicado

I’m ramping up for a course in IoT for this spring – the Boron LTEs sound like they’d be great – but in the Wholesale Store it says that they are “on allocation”. Does that mean they aren’t available?

I already placed an order for some Argons, mid December, but I haven’t heard anything more about them, and Particle Wholesale hasn’t responded to my query via their online contact form. How do I get a hold of them? Do they read this forum?

Hi Michael- We do indeed read the forums! I’m sorry about the slow communication- Particle offices have been closed for the holidays and just reopened today. Unfortunately the Borons are currently backordered.

Can you DM me your order ID? I’ll check the status.

Thanks, Colleen – I just sent you something via DM.

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