Boron stuck in DFU mode after flash


I have a Particle Boron instance that I’ve been trying to flash to (I’ve been running “particle flash --usb ~/WasteSensor/target/1.2.1-rc.3/boron/WasteSensor.bin -v”) and then I’ve run “particle serial monitor”, but the message I keep getting is “No serial port identified” and I notice that the Boron is stuck in DFU mode constantly blinking yellow (usually it goes to green).

I think this may have to do with my WasteSensor.bin file because the same Boron works well on other people’s computers. How can I figure out where the local configurations are for updating .bin files when code is compiled?

You can check whether the binary is compatible with your Boron via particle binary inspect WasteSensor.bin.
And you can also check the state of your Boron via particle serial inspect (in Listening Mode).

It may also be a good idea to update the device OS, bootloader and SoftDevice on your Boron via particle update -v

Keep a copy of all outputs and provide here.

I’m a fan of particle flash --usb tinker

That’s a great way to see if the particle device is working outside of your firmware.

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