Bootstrap Portal for local Spark Core Control - Not the Same Bootstrap

Hi All,

I have put my Spark Core intergration in to my products on hold to work on this to intergrate Western Digitals Cloud to be used by my customers to control the spark core.

So here is my project and anyone who can comment toward its inception pros and/or cons; please do?


Local Network Use:

Home Owner --> Wifi Device (Phone or computer) --> Network Share (sdCard <-or-> NAS) -->

HTML webpage --> Tiny Webserver on Spark Core --> Spark API --> Spark Core --> D7 = ON

Remote Internet Spark Control - HTML -

Home Owner --> (Phone or computer) Hot Spot or ceullar --> WDC My Cloud™ -->

Owner’s Network Share (sdCard <-or-> NAS) --> HTML webpage -->

Tiny Webserver on Spark Core --> Spark API --> Spark Core --> D7 = ON

ssl “Point to Point”. Access Token Commands never see the internet and are local on the webpage.

Part I am working on right now is the communication between the Tiny Webserver & the WDC NAS Drive but, its coming along.


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Today I placed 1 single HTML File on my WDC CLoud NAS drive and the rest of the files on a local drive and below is what parsed over the WDC Cloud Connection: (see image below). Same as if the HTML file was on a microSDcard running tiny webserver powered by the Spark Core.

I have a css name conflict between 2 external css files being load by the Single HTML file over the WDC My CLoud. That’s why the Buttons next to Phone, Wifi, Network & Cable are not displaying correctly. At bottom of this post is what the html / jQuety Spark Core Interface should look like and link to live demo.