BLE connection and data transfer between two Particle Devices

Hi all,

I have been looking through the net as well as previous particle posts regarding BLE connection between two Particle products but can’t seem to get anywhere.

I would like to use the Argon as the advertising device and the Boron as the receiving device. From the BLE tutorials on Particle’s website, the closest thing I found was using the UART central. I do not quite understand the functions of this method or how to even get started on the code of it.

Please help. Any documentation/online resources/links will be helpful. Thanks!

In order to find the best solution for your particular use case you should understand the basic principles of BLE and then pick the one best suited.

While UART would be one way it greatly depends on your data and primary communication direction whether it’s the most suitable.

To get a basic overview you can start here and also look at the individual BLE samples

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