I have the Asset tracker V2. I wasn’t getting a GPS fix, so I checked the fuel gauge, found out I was low on battery (maybe that’s the reason), and the RED LED of the Asset tracker was blinking every second (no fix) for a while. I plugged in the USB to start charging the LIPO, GPS LED stopped blinking as if it got a fix but no coordinates are being published. Any help?
I’m using this code:
/* -----------------------------------------------------------
This example shows a lot of different features. As configured here
it'll check for a good GPS fix every 10 minutes and publish that data
if there is one. If not, it'll save you data by staying quiet. It also
registers 3 Particle.functions for changing whether it publishes,
reading the battery level, and manually requesting a GPS reading.
// Getting the library
#include "AssetTracker/AssetTracker.h"
// Set whether you want the device to publish data to the internet by default here.
// 1 will Particle.publish AND Serial.print, 0 will just Serial.print
// Extremely useful for saving data while developing close enough to have a cable plugged in.
// You can also change this remotely using the Particle.function "tmode" defined in setup()
int transmittingData = 1;
// Used to keep track of the last time we published data
long lastPublish = 0;
// How many minutes between publishes? 10+ recommended for long-time continuous publishing!
int delayMinutes = 1;
// Creating an AssetTracker named 't' for us to reference
AssetTracker t = AssetTracker();
// A FuelGauge named 'fuel' for checking on the battery state
FuelGauge fuel;
// setup() and loop() are both required. setup() runs once when the device starts
// and is used for registering functions and variables and initializing things
void setup() {
// Sets up all the necessary AssetTracker bits
// Enable the GPS module. Defaults to off to save power.
// Takes 1.5s or so because of delays.
// Opens up a Serial port so you can listen over USB
// These three functions are useful for remote diagnostics. Read more below.
Particle.function("tmode", transmitMode);
Particle.function("gps", gpsPublish);
// loop() runs continuously
void loop() {
// You'll need to run this every loop to capture the GPS output
FuelGauge fuel;
float value;
value = fuel.getVCell();
//json string
String output = "{\"VOLTS\": \"" + String(value) + "\"}";
Particle.publish("LIPO", output);
CellularSignal sig = Cellular.RSSI();
// if the current time - the last time we published is greater than your set delay...
if(millis()-lastPublish > delayMinutes*60*1000){
// Remember when we published
lastPublish = millis();
//String pubAccel = String::format("%d,%d,%d",t.readX(),t.readY(),t.readZ());
//Particle.publish("A", pubAccel, 60, PRIVATE);
// Dumps the full NMEA sentence to serial in case you're curious
// GPS requires a "fix" on the satellites to give good data,
// so we should only publish data if there's a fix
// Only publish if we're in transmittingData mode 1;
// Short publish names save data!
Particle.publish("G", t.readLatLon(), 30, PRIVATE);
// but always report the data over serial for local development
// Allows you to remotely change whether a device is publishing to the cloud
// or is only reporting data over Serial. Saves data when using only Serial!
// Change the default at the top of the code.
int transmitMode(String command){
transmittingData = atoi(command);
return 1;
// Actively ask for a GPS reading if you're impatient. Only publishes if there's
// a GPS fix, otherwise returns '0'
int gpsPublish(String command){
Particle.publish("G", t.readLatLon(), 30, PRIVATE);
// uncomment next line if you want a manual publish to reset delay counter
// lastPublish = millis();
return 1;
else { return 0; }