just venting here. I have been using the asset tracker for a couple of days now, and honestly, it's a mess to understand how to use it.
First you go the "logical" route, aka add the "AssetTracker" library to your project. Impossible to get a GPS fix, even with an active GPS antenna connected and the call made to enable it (the red LED flashes though, but even leaving it in the garden for half an hour doesn't change a thing, with a charged LiPo connected). Then you start looking around and you realise that lots of info out there is either about the V1 or the V2, that the lib doesn't really specify what version it serves and that nearly no posts specify what version they talk about.
Next you find this:
In which the "official" suggestion is to not use the official particle hosted library, but a third party one, that's a completely different implementation and well, good luck figuring out how to use the accelerometer for instance.
Current state: still no GPS fix. Even worse, the gps LED doesn't even turn on after explicitly pulling D6 low.
pinMode(D6, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(D6, LOW);
This should enable the GPS, no?
So you search a bit more, and then you find this:
Someone else with problems who simply wrote his own library to deal with the asset tracker V2.
I'm sorry but this is a complete mess. Is it not possible for each product to at least show how it is supposed to be used, and update that when a V2 is released? Right now I am looking at a Particle Electron on top of an Asset Tracker V2, with LiPo and USB (good luck debugging without serial connection) that simply all of the sudden stopped turning on and flashing the red LED. It's driving me crazy.