January 18, 2018, 10:13pm
I’ve got the Asset Tracker v2 with an external active antenna. I’m asking it to report coordenates every 30 seconds since it is on a moving object I wish to track down.
It got a fix, inaccurate by 100m, and after that I’ve moved the object but it still reports the same coordenates.
Am I missing something?
January 18, 2018, 10:54pm
I changed part of the Asset Tracker code to force GPS updates if the old position was past a certain time limit.
@rickkas7 I got everything working on the i2c bus using your Asset Tracker library
It’s nice to have a quality Accelerometer to add to my box of tools.
I did notice one line that I think needs to be changed regarding the GPS positioning.
In the GPS Wait State case you have if (gps.location.isValid()) {
I noticed that the program would constantly use the previous GPS Fix location data even though it had zero satellites in view. If I would have moved the GPS unit it …
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January 18, 2018, 11:14pm
Great! Is “<2000” in seconds or miliseconds? Thanks!
January 19, 2018, 12:29am
Let me know if that code snipped solves your problem. It did for me.
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