Obligatory “I am new”, “I do not know what I am doing”, “No, I do not know what I am looking for”, and “Yes, I am a hobbyist, not a producer”.
I have an Argon/Xenon mesh network whose devices are having some problems. I have looked over the similar sections of the forum and do not have enough information to determine if my problem is related.
If I flash a program to display text on an i²c oled panel (setup only, no loop) it works just fine on a photon but seems to be the cause of lockups on Argon and Xenon boards. When this is flashed, it is a roll of the dice to see if I can reflash from the web IDE.
Additionally, when this occurs, I can occasionally use the mode button to reset the device and reclaim it. Currently, one Xenon will not finish provisioning itself to the network. It shows up on my android application and in the web device list but cannot receive commands and the android application shows that it never finishes joining the network. I cannot signal the device.
With the other, working, Xenons and Argon, I have been able to reflash the tinker app and regain control via the web IDE.
Here is the code that I flashed:
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <SSD1306_128x32.h>
SSD1306_128x32 display(D4);
void setup() {
display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);
display.println("Test Message");
void loop() {
I am running firmware version 1.2.1 as of now. When this problem began, the web interface was showing that 1.2.0 was installed.
Any suggestions? Did I violate some rule by having it run an empty loop? I am in the beginning stages of this project and I do not plan to have a display in the finished project.
Again, I am very new to this, I speak C fairly well, but I only have a basic understanding of C++. Display and temperature controlled Relay programs run fine on photon but cause Xenon to crash.