Argon stuck in listening mode

I’m having trouble with one of my Argon’s. When I want to register the Argon with the Particle app (iPhone) it first says success and then I get the following error:

The Argon is blinking blue (listening mode)

When I try to give the WiFi credentials with the particle serial wifi the process goes ok, then the Argon reboots and flashes green (looking for internet) but does not connect. When I disconnect and reconnect the power, the Argon is again in listening mode (blinking blue).

Can anyone help me or give some kind of possible next steps to get the Argon working?

I already found out that a setup bit was not flipped for some reason:
So now the Argon doesn’t get stuck in listening mode but stays in blinking green (looking for internet) mode, still no wifi connection or possibility to register via the app…

Help is still welcome

When I follow this setup:
I get an error when I try to flash the NCP firmware with the command particle flash --serial argon-ncp-firmware-0.0.5-ota.bin -v
The error is:

sending file: argon-ncp-firmware-0.0.5-ota.bin
Error writing firmware: Transfer cancelled
VError: Error writing firmware: Transfer cancelled
    at Promise.resolve.then.then.then.then.then.catch.err (/Users/koenvanerve/.particle/node_modules/particle-cli/dist/cmd/serial.js:485:13)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7)
caused by: Error: Transfer cancelled
    at ensureError (/Users/koenvanerve/.particle/node_modules/particle-cli/dist/lib/utilities.js:670:14)
    at Promise.resolve.then.then.then.then.then.catch.err (/Users/koenvanerve/.particle/node_modules/particle-cli/dist/cmd/serial.js:485:24)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7)