Argon ESP32 AT Firmware

Hi all,
I'm looking at my pile of Argons and looking to flash some new firmware onto the ESP to include the majority of AT commands. Now I'm not an ESP Wizz so my efforts have been in vain so far.

I can fairly easily flash the firmware onto the ESP getting it to boot correctly is a whole different matter.

Could anyone help ???

ESP32 Noob; Billy..

The ESP32 AT firmware is a fork, not the same as the upstream, and it hasn't been updated in a while as the Argon is deprecated.

In any case, may want to look at esp32-ncp-firmware and see if you can successfully flash that first.

If that works, I'd make a fork of that and try to update to the upstream to make sure you don't lose any important changes.

But this will be difficult and may not be successful, and of course is completely unsupported.

I've had a quick look and have been trying to use the main esp-at repo to build a working version but its not there yet.

I have a version someone built ~2020 but its a very old AT version so buggy but just about works.