I have a couple of Xenons acting as BLE clients to an Argon. Both of them wake up, read some sensor values, start BLE and sit waiting for a connection to be made by the central device. Once connected they do a setValue a few times before going into deep sleep.
The argon as the central device, crashes with a flashing red light after a few minutes (10 blinks). I previously thought it was because I was doing a BLE disconnect on a peer after receiving data, however I commented that out and set my peripheral devices to deep sleep after a certain time.
If I change the peripheral to use a delay rather than deep sleep and maintain the BLE connection, it is fine. I was able to run this for half an hour, but as soon as I told one of the xenons to deepsleep, the Argon fell over.
Using debugging statements, I have found that it seems to crash at different parts of the code, sometimes scanning, sometimes just in the general loop. It does allow both devices to connect once and it is usually a bit after a device has disconnected it fails. Could it be that the connection is not being cleaned up or perhaps that I’m not setting the BlePeerDevices to be global?
The code itself receives data in the call back and does some editing of the JSON to add in an API key. This was to prevent the need to hard code the API keys in each peripheral. As you can’t call Particle.publish in a call back, it puts messages on a stack and then services that stack in the main loop.
Any idea what could be causing the crash, or is this something that a Particle debugger would be useful for?
// Testing receiving BLE messages with an Argon.
// Eventually to publish them and use the Argon as a gateway, replacing a mesh connection
#define SCANRATE 5 // How many seconds 'rest' between scans
// Log over Serial USB
SerialLogHandler logHandler(LOG_LEVEL_WARN, { {"app", LOG_LEVEL_ALL} });
const size_t SCAN_RESULT_MAX = 30;
// Define UUIDs in use
const BleUuid testBLEservice("0ee45138-e516-4ed8-9668-a7848b797fa8");
const BleUuid jsonOutUuid("d692e9d8-1c92-4b3d-b387-801247613d66");
// Define BLE characteristic objects for call back
BleCharacteristic jsonOutChar;
//BleScanResult scanResults[SCAN_RESULT_MAX];
//BlePeerDevice peer;
// Store device name against API key
struct devAPI {
String name;
String apiKey;
boolean disconnect; // Disconnect client after data is received
// Get API key from Thingsboard->Devices->Device->Copy access token
devAPI apiKeys[] = {
{"BLE-Xen1", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", true},
{"BLE-Xen6", "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy", false}
// Define a message stack. It is simpler to implement than a queue and incoming data should not be too heavy that
// out of order messages matter
#define STACK_LIMIT 10
#define MSG_LIMIT 255 // Define max size of message
struct stackObj {
char jsonMsg[MSG_LIMIT];
BlePeerDevice stackPeer;
stackObj msgStack[STACK_LIMIT];
int stackPointer=0; // Empty stack
bool lockStack=false; // Lock the stack - prevent a write while we are reading
// Define call back function prototypes
void onDataReceived(const uint8_t* data, size_t len, const BlePeerDevice& ble_peer, void* context);
void setup() {
waitFor(Serial.isConnected, 3000);
Log.info("Starting BLE Argon gateway");
// Start BLE
// Set up call back functions
jsonOutChar.onDataReceived(onDataReceived, (void*)"json");
unsigned long nextScan=0; // Forces an immediate scan
void loop() {
// Check if there is data on the stack to process.
if(stackPointer>0) {
if(millis()>nextScan) {
// Scan for BLE devices
Log.info("Scanning for new devices");
BleScanResult scanResults[SCAN_RESULT_MAX];
int count = BLE.scan(scanResults, SCAN_RESULT_MAX);
for (int ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) {
size_t len;
uint8_t buf[BLE_MAX_ADV_DATA_LEN];
// Scan for 128-bit service UUIDs
len = scanResults[ii].advertisingData.get(BleAdvertisingDataType::SERVICE_UUID_128BIT_COMPLETE, buf, BLE_MAX_ADV_DATA_LEN);
if(len>0) {
// Loop in blocks of 16 bytes (128 bits)
for(size_t jj=0; jj < len; jj+=16) {
if((BleUuid)&buf[jj] == testBLEservice) {
// Found a new service
Log.info(" Found new device to peer with, name="+scanResults[ii].advertisingData.deviceName());
// Connect to access characteristics
BlePeerDevice peer = BLE.connect(scanResults[ii].address);
if(peer.connected()) {
//Log.info(" Connected to device");
// Call for random data
peer.getCharacteristicByUUID(jsonOutChar, jsonOutUuid);
// Set time for next scan
Log.info("Scan complete");
void onDataReceived(const uint8_t* data, size_t len, const BlePeerDevice& ble_peer, void* context) {
// Log.info("Got data back of length %d", len);
if(context=="json") {
// Copy the buffer to a character array on the stack. If we do this directly with a cast, as the string
// is not null terminated, we can pick up extra data, especially if the string is shorter
// than last time
// We must use a stack as you can't Particle.publish or BLE.disconnect from within a call back
// Particle.publish will cause a comm error and a disconnect causes a complete crash
if(stackPointer<STACK_LIMIT) {
// Check data size
if(len>=MSG_LIMIT) {
Log.info("Incoming message too large, ignoring: %d bytes", len);
} else {
// We may be processing a stack object, hold. This should be very brief and not a long wait
while(lockStack) {};
for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
msgStack[stackPointer].jsonMsg[len]=0; // Null terminate
Log.info("Incoming data on stack: %s", msgStack[stackPointer].jsonMsg);
// Increase stack pointer
} else {
Log.info("Stack full, dropping data");
} else {
if(len==2) {
uint16_t value=data[0] | (data[1] << 8);
Log.info("Data=%02X%02X, %d Type=%s", data[1], data[0], value, context);
void processStack() {
// Process the message stack. Take the top object and publish encoded JSON.
// Lock the stack so we don't get a write above this object from the call back function
// Processing should not be too heavy in this function, we don't want to lock the stack for long
// Lower stack pointer as this points to the next free object
//Log.info("Processing stack object %d", stackPointer);
//Log.info(" Stack data=%s", msgStack[stackPointer].jsonMsg);
// Convert into a JSON object
JSONValue jsonObj = JSONValue::parseCopy(msgStack[stackPointer].jsonMsg);
// Iterate through object, should have 3 sections, sensorName, apiKey and payload
JSONObjectIterator iter(jsonObj);
//Log.info("Parsing JSON");
String j_name = "";
String j_api = "";
String j_pay = "";
boolean discon=false; // Assume we will not disconnect it.
while (iter.next()) {
//Log.info("key=%s value=%s", (const char *) iter.name(), (const char *) iter.value().toString());
if(iter.name() == "sensorName") {
j_name = iter.value().toString().data();
else if (iter.name() == "apiKey") {
j_api = iter.value().toString().data(); // Don't actually need to do this as it should be unset
else if (iter.name() == "payload") {
j_pay = iter.value().toString().data();
// Find API key
int l=sizeof(apiKeys)/sizeof(devAPI);
for(int j=0; j<l; j++) {
if(apiKeys[j].name==j_name) {
// Set disconnect status based on lookup table
// Note, if not found, the api key will still be an empty string.
// Disconnect sensor if flagged
if(j_api=="") {
Particle.publish("GW_ERROR", String::format("Unable to find API key for device %s",j_name));
} else {
String jout = String::format("{\"sensorName\": \"%s\", \"apiKey\": \"%s\", \"payload\":\"%s\"}",
j_name.c_str(), j_api.c_str(), j_pay.c_str());
Log.info("Outgoing from stack %s", jout.c_str());
Particle.publish("BLEgwData", jout, PRIVATE);
if(discon) {
Log.info("Disconnecting client");
// Unlock the stack