Are bin files being created? WIn 10 search can't find them

I am using the web version of IDE on a windows 10 machine.

I can’t find my new bin files in my download folder any more. I ran the IDE in IE and in Chrome. Nothing in the download files. Did a file search after both and new bin files were found, Old ones were in download.

I can download over the air and it works. I am running up a bill so I’d like to go back to using the USB with the web version again.

Thank you.

all of that is done server-side and never gets put on your machine.

try to compile with Particle Dev or the CLI tools

either will place the binary in the folder where your .ino file is located

@davidj2525, are you hitting the download bin file button in the Web IDE?

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Assuminh you’re clicking this then it should be. Of course as with all webby things you can stop that working with certain security suites, settings or plugins…

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I never even noticed that!!!

I could not be more embarrassed, V and P, you diagnosed the problem perfectly. I’ll make a charity donation at a womens and children’s shelter for your kind help! .