I get breathing cyan followed by blinking red lights then green. IDE nor Particle Dev is working. Web IDE is just giving me 500 error and Particle Dev gives me an “undefined” after a short period. I get text updates and saw that they made some fixes based off this was wondering if anyone else is having these issues? I have reset and power cycled.
- Photon or Core?
Use the Web IDE and try flashing blinky
Thanks for the response. Photon, after flashing with blinky I got “Error: 500. Please try again later. If the issue persists, please report to hello@particle.io.” This was going on last night and then I came back 2 hours later and all was fine. But, all services report “A-OK”
@pcproff i have informed the team and hope this gets resolved asap.
Can you place the Photon in Safe mode and try again?
I appreciate it. It’s frustrating but, I love the platform so far. The community is awesome as well!
I understand the frustrations the community feels at times as i am a community member as well. Let’s hope it gets fixed soon!
UPDATE If this helps I did a factory reset and I was able to tinker (D7) with it and no issues. Its once I start flashing (after verify which works fine) that I start getting my red/green/cyan pattern again.
Can you describe the pattern? constant blinking cyan with occasional red flashes or?
Cyan breathing, blinking red, solid white, blinking green wash rinse repeat
I unplugged my PIR sensor and now I have a breathing cyan and able to flash. Sensor related? But, now problem on my end. Thanks for the help.
Hi @pcproff,
Glad to hear that the issue was maybe local and hardware / firmware related. Can you make sure you weren’t shorting something directly to ground, and maybe try upgrading your system firmware to the latest version?
I to am having problems flashing as well with all of my Photons. All I get is 500 errors. This started yesterday. The photons are all breathing cyan but no ability to flash, just 500 errors. All have the latest 0.4.3-rc2 firmware.
@Dave just upgraded firmware. Any command I can run to see if my board does indeed have 0.4.3-rc2?
How to find firmware version here---->
My sensor and flashing to cloud seems to be working good after upgrade.
Awesome, thanks!