6.0 serial interface issue [Solved]

You can try to “uninstall” all Particle devices via an environment hack.
You can add a system environment variable DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES set to 1 and tick “Show hidden devices” in Dev Mgr
See https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/315539

After that you can “uninstall” all Particle related COM ports (if you wish even with removing the drivers from your HDD on the last port) and try reinstalling them.
Maybe even redownload the drivers.

About the “i” command, that’s the same as particle serial identify but without the need of CLI installed.
Just send “i” in any serial terminal program (I prefer PuTTY) and the device should respond (when in Listening Mode).

“m” should give you the MAC address of the radio module

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