Xenon won't turn on

Xenon flashes CHG light briefly when plugged in but then displays no signs of life. Status LED doesn’t come on. Holding down the mode and reset buttons causes the CHG light to flash yellow but only intermittently. Is there a fix for this?

Any chance you programmed fit to sleep rather quickly?

Can you get into safe mode?

I cannot. It doesn’t register as a serial device, particle identify displays nothing

Was this a noob Xenon? It might be it is faulty - when plugged into to microUSB can you get it into DFU mode? It that works then I suggest you flash via USB System part1, tinker and bootloader (serial) that might recover it. If it is faulty then log with Particle support.

Cannot get it into any mode at present. The status LED is off and button presses are having no effect

You will need to log a ticket for a hardware fault then.