February 14, 2019, 1:55pm
I want to use my Xenon as a normal BLE peripheral and connect it to a central or a phone. Can I do this?
Or should it be only on a mesh configuration?
I am able to compile my firmware and connect my Xenon to the VS Workbench and flash it.
@jmjobin , BLE capability is still under development but is considered a high priority for Particle:
Hello from the Particle team!
It’s been a while since our last “Gen 3 improvements update” last December, which documents the progress and priorities of the team working to improve the development experience of our Gen 3 hardware.
Here’s a roundup of updates since last December, and a sneak peak at what’s coming down the pipe:
1. Where we’re at
Feedback on rc.27
Generally, the feedback from the community was that v080-rc.27 improved the stability of the Gen 3 development experience for most …
February 14, 2019, 6:56pm
Thanks for the rapid answer.
I was somewhat confused…
On the video to install the Xenon it is said:
“You will be asked if you want to join a mesh network, click yes”…
Well I wanted to say no…
But no click for yes or no and only ok to go for mesh…
Waiting for the BLE and hope it will be only a firmware update.
February 19, 2019, 11:58pm
As @peekay123 mentioned, BLE is currently under development and is a popular feature request for our Gen 3 hardware.
We’ll make sure to share that news wide and loud when it’s available! Thanks for the feedback.
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February 20, 2019, 7:39am
@peekay123 , thank you for the feedback, no problem I just ordered my Argon and will investigate on Thread mesh as well.
Waiting for your news.
It’s currently undergoing Alpha testing.
We’re really close, I promise! Continued alpha testing is ongoing.
I’d keep an eye out for some more news in the coming week or two.
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