Workbench Visual Studio Code, cannot find the

try this:

  1. run the Particle: Create Project (from VSCode’s main menu select View > Command Palette)
  2. follow the prompts, upon completion your empty project folder will be loaded

you should end up with a file structure like:

├── .vscode (wb's / vscode's configs)
│   ├── launch.json
│   └── settings.json
├── lib (installed libraries go here - created when you install your first lib)
│   ├── lib-name
│   │    ├── foo.cpp
│   │    └── ...
│   └── ...
├── src (source files go here)
│   ├── your-project.ino
│   └── ...
├── target (local build output - created when you run your first compilation task)
│   ├── your-project.bin
│   └── ...

be sure to spin through Feature Overview of Particle Workbench and if you need more help, you can run the Particle: Get Help command