Workbench failure due to space in username

I believe my workbench can’t compile because there is a space in the path in my username like C:\Users\first name last name\

I’m thinking about trying this but I’m worried it will mess up my other programs.

Any suggestions?

Usernames with a space definitely do not work by default.

The problem is that the toolchain, including GNU make, do not work with directory names with spaces. The toolchain is installed in your home directory, which contains a space if your username does, typically. This causes all sorts of things to break.

I haven’t tried changing the home directory name. It certainly would have risks. I’m also not 100% sure it will solve the problem. It probably will, but I can’t guarantee it.

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another user reported trouble in this post.
There were some attempts at solutions but I think the easiest way out is to create a user with no spaces in the name.
Check it out if you want to find out more. There are docker containers if you have knowledge of that.

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