WiFi credentials lost after flashing new user firmware (photon)

Latest update is that develop is now much more stable. Please test if you had the endless green flash of death before! :slight_smile:

Morning update from me -

  • develop branch now works, although occasionally takes a long time in flashing green mode)
  • feature/wifi-connect-dhcp branch also works, but intermittently takes a very long time in flashing cyan mode, and had some other strange behavior

Thanks @mdma!


Woohoo! Thanks for your help @loopj! I’m going with the fix in develop - the other branch had a hacked upgrade of LwIP - lots of potentially dangerous changes. The develop branch changes are much simpler.


I’ve been trying to learn how to use the toolchain to update the firmware too. But I am too seeing this same issue after the initial flash, the device doesn’t reconnect to wifi. It makes it difficult to trouble shoot without the LED, I’ll be getting my LED in the mail shortly for assemble.