I built an entire serial UI that I access via PuTTY on my Win8 machine. In the serial UI I have the ability to enter new WiFi credentials. I also added the ability to clear WiFi credentials.
I cleared WiFi credentials just to clear out an old WiFi AP I no longer use. I thought I could just re-enter the credentials I wanted via my serial UI. But when my FW did the WiFi.clearCredentials() my serial UI stopped working. Some built-in query (not my FW) appeared on my PuTTY asking me to enter SSID, password, etc. But I made a typo in that. So that didn’t succeed. My FW’s serial UI no longer works. None of my FW’s calls to Serial did anything anymore.
Now I’ve tried various recovery procedures and nothing works. I have it blinking blue. But my phone can’t find it to setup WiFi again. What do I do now?