Hi--I'm trying to set up a white-labeled version of Wi-Fi setup over USB, per the instructions at the bottom of Wi-Fi setup options | Reference | Particle and this linked repo: GitHub - particle-iot/wifi-setup-usb-example: Example code for browser-based Wi-Fi setup for the P2, Photon 2, and Argon, for M-SoM devices.
I noticed at that first link that M-SoM devices are not explicitly mentioned as being compatible with the tool, but then at this one: Configure Wi-Fi | Tools | Particle they are mentioned above the same (?) widget. Moreover, I'm able to connect to my M-SoM on both, but when I run the example repo: GitHub - particle-iot/wifi-setup-usb-example: Example code for browser-based Wi-Fi setup for the P2, Photon 2, and Argon, it says "no compatible devices found".
Could someone please clarify what the support is for Wi-Fi setup over USB for M-SoM devices? Seems like it probably works, but the documentation, and maybe that example repo are dated. In that case, I'd be curious to know how to fix the repo so I can run the setup myself.
Thanks--really appreciate any help.