Where do I find my APN?

I have a t-mobile sim card. Where do I find the APN. The card just has two bar codes and then it says the sim card number along with PUK Code.

I would google it! :wink:
You can find that in t-mobiles FAQ: http://faq.t-mobile.at/app/answers/detail/a_id/507/~/apn-zugangspunkte

Let me know if they are the right ones

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I typed in epc.tmobile.com and clicked download but it didn’t do anything. It didn’t even give me an error.

Try another browser. We’ve had issues before with Firefox I believe. If you can’t get it to work please let me know which browser you are using and I’ll just generate the binary manually for you. :slight_smile:

@Greg123 @harrisonhjones I had the same problem with Firefox 46. I opend this thread: Can´t download firmware for 3rd party sim and got the answer that I don´t need that binary. Isn´t that true in the end or does both ways work ?(I wasn´t able to test it yet)

Technically @ScruffR is correct BUT if you want to download Tinker on to your Electron and start Tinkering with it out of the box you will want to follow the standard setup process. If you don’t mind generating Tinker yourself you can add those two lines to your code with the correct APN info and you should be good to go.

Thank you this made it clear! :+1:

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