When I connect chain of LED strips to power from both ends, do I need to make the power line disconnect in the middle?

And that does nothing else then combining the RGB components into on 32bit number and placing that integer in a pixel buffer at position px.
Just like this

#define LEDCOUNT 300
uint32_t pxBuffer[LEDCOUNT];
// actually for the APA102 protocoll you need some extra bytes for leadin/leadout
//uint32_t pxBuffer[1 + LEDCOUNT + LEDCOUNT/16 + 1]; // element 0 (leadin) ... LEDs ... 1 leadout clock per 2 LEDs (ceil)

bool needRefresh;
volatile bool canRefresh = true;

uint32_t setAPA102Color(int px, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t brightness = 31) {
  uint32_t color = 0;
  // due to big endianness in revers order 
  color |= (brighntess <<   0) | 0xE0;  //top 3 bits must be 111
  color |= (r          <<   8);
  color |= (g          <<  16);
  color |= (b          <<  24);

  pxBuffer[px] = color;

  return color;

void refreshDone() {
  canRefresh = true;

void setup() {
  SPI.setClockSpeed(8, MHZ);

void loop() {
  // setup your pixels 

  if (needRefresh && canRefresh) {
    canRefresh = 
    needRefresh = false;
    SPI.transfer(pxBuffer, NULL, sizeof(pxBuffer), refreshDone);

This is all you need to work with APA102 strips - actually it's already a bit more to also illustrate use of DMA and guard against messing up data while still being sent out in the background.

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