Webhook builder to google sheets

update, well sorta:

I have looked into webhooks all day and feel a little more comfortable and a little more confused at the same time.

I was able to get the webhook integration to successfully run (according to the particle console). I think that it had to do with the web app being deployed to allow anyone to post to it, and that wasn’t possible with a school gmail account, so i used a personal one. However I modified my code and integration to be more like the original link i posted above. I did this to try and follow the tutorial as close as possible.

So it seems I am getting to data to the google script servers but there is nothing showing on the sheet. I have found google script code that seems like it’s built to do such a thing. this one for example. should i be looking into this further? With iftt the all of the parsing of the data, setting up the sheet, etc was done for me. Is the google script code needed to properly display the data passed by the webhook integration?