Waiting for events in web console

I am trying to get the google location service to work on a particle boron, but so far no luck.

The first thing I notice is that I have modified the google-maps-device-locator example to print the coordinates in the callback, but it’s not getting called.

I’ve followed the instructions in geolocation basics and gotten to the point where I can click the test button of the intergrations>google maps page and I get “Success! Your integration is behaving as expected.” But when I check the events tab, it’s blank with a floating message saying “Waiting for Events”

When I try to display events using the curl command in the terminal, it responds with :ok and then prints a blank line every 30s (which is the location reporting period).

Anyone have an idea what is going on?

BTW: Here’s my code:

#include <google-maps-device-locator.h>

GoogleMapsDeviceLocator locator;
SerialLogHandler logHandler;

void locationCallback(float lat, float lon, float accuracy)
  // Handle the returned location data for the device. This method is passed three arguments:
  // - Latitude
  // - Longitude
  // - Accuracy of estimated location (in meters)
  Serial.print( lat );
  Serial.print( ', ' );
  Serial.print( lon );
  Serial.print( ', ±' );
  Serial.println( accuracy );

void setup()
  // Scan for visible networks and publish to the cloud every 30 seconds
  // Pass the returned location to be handled by the locationCallback() method

void loop()
  uint32_t t = millis();
  static uint32_t last;
  if( t - last > 1000 )
      last = t;
      Serial.print( '*' );  // show that the program is alive

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Anyone out there?

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@tomgherron ,

Thank you for this post! I have been meaning to get around to playing with location services for some time and your post prompted me to give it a try.

First, I was able to follow the link above and use your code without modification - and it worked. So, the issue is likely with the API integration.

Screen Shot 2021-08-21 at 2.17.09 PM

so, now that you know where I am… let’s try to figure out what went wrong. The first place to check is on the integrations page in the console. If you open the Google Maps integration and scroll to the bottom, you will see a record of the number of times this integration was called and information on the result.

Blanking out the sensitive bits, can you post what you see here?

Then, we can start to figure this out.

Thanks again for giving me an excuse to play with this service.



@tomgherron ,

A couple other points that may help.

  1. This is a nit, your serial print statements use ’ which is for a single character. If you use " you will get better output.
    Screen Shot 2021-08-21 at 2.36.54 PM

  2. When you set up your API key at Google, the tutorial stops when you get the key itself. However Google goes on to encourage you to restrict the API key in order to protect it. This is a very good idea - any it can break your application if you don’t set it correctly. I restricted who could call the API to(particle.io/*). I tried to restrict the API to Gelocation but that made the API stop working. I have had some intermittent issues with restrictions, try turning them off if you are getting failed web hooks.

  1. Using Serial print, you only get 2 digits to the right of the decimal point. If you want you can get more accuracy by changing your return handler to this:
void locationCallback(float lat, float lon, float accuracy)
  char locationFound[64];
  snprintf(locationFound, sizeof(locationFound), "lat: %f, long: %f, ±%f", lat, lon, accuracy);

Screen Shot 2021-08-21 at 3.11.54 PM

Hope this helps,



Hi Chip,

Thanks so much for your help!
I only have two requests in the event log of the google maps integration. They both appear to be test events from pressing the test button at the top of the intergration page. See below.

Screenshot 2021-08-21 142157|437x500

I just realized I did not attach program output to my original post. It looks just like yours but with nothing after the scanData:



OK, that is strange.

So, your device is not publishing to that Google Integration. I can think of a couple reasons that it may make sense to check.

  1. When you set up the Google Maps integration, did you rename it from its default? I did not when I was running your script.

  2. Is your device and your integration in the same organization and product? Do you have multiple organizations or products?

Please let me know if these questions don’t make sense.



I did not change the integration name. It’s “deviceLocator” and is set to accept events from “any device”.

As for organization, everything is in the sandbox. I have not created any products yet.

The thing that seems like a red flag is how the tutorial talks about seeing events in the console, but all I ever see is “waiting for events”. I feel like I must have missed something really basic but have no idea what it is.


@tomgherron ,

Yes, that is a red flag. Your device will send messages to the console even when it is just getting connected. Here is what mine activity looks like:

Notice, that the first six messages have nothing to do with the sketch you are running. You should see these at a minimum.

So, that prompts another set of questions:

  1. Is your Boron connected to Particle and “breathing cyan”? If not, what do you see?
    Status LED and Device Modes - Boron | Tutorials | Particle

  2. Are you sure you are looking at the console for the right device? You should be able to reset your device and determine if it is the same one by when it shows up in your device list on the console. Otherwise, you can install the Particle CLI (if you have not already) and use Particle Identify to get the deviceID which should match the one in the console view.
    Command Line | Tutorials | Particle

  3. Can you confirm the version of deviceOS you are running?

We will get this figured out.


  1. Yes, it’s cyan breathing.
  2. Yes, it’s my only device. I can signal it, ping it, and flash it.
  3. Device OS is 1.4.4

I think my screen shot was misleading. I do get all the boot up events, but I had already booted my Boron before I opened the console. But I don’t receive any location events, even though I can see my program is running. Of course, there is no scanData, so maybe that’s normal. The question then is why isn’t there any scanData? I know it can see towers because I can signal it and flash it.

Interesting… something must be up with the firmware on the device. Might be worth trying just a simple Particle.Publish() with dummy data every minute to see if that at least makes it to the cloud.

You may also consider some Serial Debugging: USB Serial Debugging | Tutorials | Particle
More particular if you set your log level to LOG_LEVEL_ALL you’ll receive additional debug information. Logging

I personally have not use the geolocation myself… just trying to provide some troubleshooting tips that might help.

Thanks, Jeff. I tried setting logging to LOG_LEVEL_ALL, but no additional output. Here’s the logHandler declaration:

#include <google-maps-device-locator.h>

GoogleMapsDeviceLocator locator;
SerialLogHandler logHandler(LOG_LEVEL_ALL);

void locationCallback(float lat, float lon, float accuracy)

I appreciate all the help. You’ve at least convinced me it’s nothing completely obvious. I’ve escalated the matter to a support request.

Are you getting any type of error when monitoring serial over USB. There should be lots of data being written to a serial monitor on your PC using USB Serial monitor.

What about just a basic Particle.Publish() such as this:

bool success;
success = Particle.publish("motion-detected");
if (!success) {
  // get here if event publish did not work

Here's more information on Particle.Publish() Device OS API | Reference Documentation | Particle

That should at least give you an event within the Console. If it doesn't then yeah... something else is up.

@jgskarda and @tomgherron ,

I agree with Tom that there is nothing obvious that I can see as he code worked without any changes when I followed the tutorial steps. Couple more thoughts:

  1. I am not sure this is apples to apples but there is at least one other post with a similar theme that might be worth looking at. In they case it was the issue around product vs sandbox.
  1. You can replace all Serial.print statements with Log.info - that way it should all be in the same stream.

  2. Just for fun, why not call the Geolocation service explicitly using:

	 * You can use this to manually publish your location. It finds the Wi-Fi or cellular location
	 * using scan() and then publishes it as an event
	void publishLocation();

Not sure it will make any difference but perhaps eliminate some things.



Jeff – I tried your “motion-detected” event code. It worked fine. However, the geolocation example doesn’t use the Particle.publish() call, so I’m not sure this tells me anything.

Chip – I read through the post you linked. At first it sounded promising, but I think it’s a different problem. Sounds like their webhook replies were going to the wrong place.

I tried updating the OS to 2.1.0 and I definitely get a lot more log message–a screen full after boot before my application even starts up. Once my geolocation app is running, the debug messages seem to point to some issue with the cellular radio. It looks like the micro tries to send some commands to the cellular modem but gets errors back.

That explains why the scan data is empty; it didn’t get performed. Definitely going to need help from particle on this one. What’s weird is this is the second Boron I’ve tried, so I doubt it’s a hardware problem.

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Hi @tomgherron , great. We will take it from here. We have dropped you an email on retrieving the full Cloud Debug logs.


@tomgherron or @particle7888 if you guys feel like, when the issue gets sorted, I invite any of you to tell us where the issue was, for future reference and the benefit of the community.


Will do so @gusgonnet !

Tom replied that the code works if load in from Workbench. We are still investigating.

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Checked with Rick and he replied that Web IDE might be using an old version of either the Google Maps Device Locator library or CellularHelper. The Boron uses cellular global identity, which should work with AT+CGED at all, resulting in the error. Old versions of the library did not use cellular global identity.


Interesting use case today with this service.

I am deploying my counters to all the North Carolina State Parks (there are 53) over this summer. The state sends them to the parks from a central warehouse and the parks scan a QR code to register the counter. This has worked very well over all but, one counter came on-line and was not registered to a park. I watched it over the past two weeks sending counts but the solar panel was not connected so the battery was getting very low. I did not have the registration information so I did not know who to reach out to to get this sorted.

The answer was to flash the code from this thread. The location was approximate but it was close enough to clearly see which park had the counter and reach out to the staff to get it charged and registered. Happy ending.

Though not as accurate as GPS, this service can deliver valuable information.
