Updated Swift SDK

It appears to have been a long time since there was any activity related to using the Particle API in a Swift application. Swift has evolved quite a bit since 2015, and packages are now typically installed using the Swift Package Manager (SPM) and not Carthage or CocoaPods.

Is anyone else doing any iOS development using the current Apple tools (SwiftUI, etc)?

Is there an updated SDK in our future?

There is no plan to create an updated Particle Device Setup SDK for iOS or Android at this time. Also note that the current iOS SDK can only set up a Photon 1 or P1, and cannot set up an Argon, Photon 2, or M-SoM.

If you are not setting up a device, and are just using the Particle API, it's a better idea to use the native iOS calls for making REST API requests.

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