I am having a hard time understanding why a function called via a web call (setup via Particle.Function) only works under certain conditions. Here is the function:
int setAnimation(String command)
int animationNum;
int speed;
int numColors;
char buff[COMMANDLEN];
char *token;
//string limit is 63 characters
if (command.length()>COMMANDLEN)
return -1;
command.toCharArray(buff, COMMANDLEN);
token = strtok(buff, ",");
animationNum = String(token).toInt();
token = strtok(NULL, ",");
speed = String(token).toInt();
token = strtok(NULL, ",");
numColors = String(token).toInt();
AlaColor colorPalette_[numColors];
for (int i=0; i < numColors; i++)
token = strtok(NULL, ",");
colorPalette_[i] = strtol(token, NULL, 0);
/*for (int i=0; i < numColors; i++)
Particle.publish("Color: ",String(i));
Particle.publish("RGB: ",String(colorPalette_[i].r)+","+String(colorPalette_[i].g)+","+String(colorPalette_[i].b));
AlaPalette colorPalette = {numColors, colorPalette_};
rgbLed.setAnimation(animationNum, speed, colorPalette);
return 1;
The first set of variables always get set correctly. It is the AlaColor array and/or the AlaPalette that do not get set correctly. Something exists in the AlaPalette object and is passed to the setAnimation function, it just isn’t what was in the args string. I put in a couple of Particle.Publish (currently commented out) to do some basic troubleshooting and just adding those .Publish statements fixed the problem. The other way I can fix the problem is set SYSTEM_THREAD(ENABLED). Interestingly, SINGLE_THREADED_BLOCK() doesn’t appear to fix it.
I understand that the system is running a RTOS in the background and jumping between different operations, but I am having a hard time understanding why the code wouldn’t run correctly without the fixes I mentioned.