Triggering a function with a URL

How would you call a function on a device using a URL instead of cURL? I want to call the settemp function with data that includes inputtemp=50. How would I end up doing this?


Because the Particle API requires a POST request to trigger a function youā€™d have to initiate that request somehow. You could setup a form on your website to achieve this but Iā€™m not aware of any browsers that let you perform POST requests using the address bar alone

Basically, you don't. Requesting variables is a GET request, which is what your browser does. Calling a function is a POST request, which your browser doesn't do.
Some more threads on this (the search function does wonders ;)):

Some discussion about why calling a function from the browser doesn't work/isn't supposed to work:

A great tutorial on how to call functions from a website:

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@ardvark68 Everyone so far is correct, but I think it will help to explain POST vs GET a bit further.

###GET request
If you just wanted to read data from the Photon, like checking the value of a Spark.variable(), you are not attempting to modify it, just read it. HTTP standards have a specific type of request for this called GET. This is how typically every web page is requested. It is the standard type of request that is sent to a website when you enter a URL and press enter in your browser.

###POST request
You want to send a command to your Photon, so you are trying to in effect modify it or write to it. To comply with HTTP standards, that requires a POST type of request which sends extra data along with the URL. This is also the type of request thatā€™s made when sending form data to a website. This requires special code to generate the POST request, and not something a browser will do just by typing in a URL and pressing enter.

###Particle Dev
In addition to the many links posted above, one simple way to send data to your settemp function is with Particle Dev. Check it out.
