"The access token was not found"

Receiving this (below) back from Particle upon trying to transmit information. Can anyone direct me to the Particle team to troubleshoot? Our account has not been actively managed in years and I am concerned that our token expired an/or something has changed that is preventing data transmission.

"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "The access token was not found"

Which access token method are you using?

Which API endpoint are you using?

What are you sending the requests from? Can you print out the actual request?

Unfortunately I do not know what method is being used, the response from Postman is as pasted above.

Request being sent from Postman, cannot make a successful call.

API endpoint is: https://api.particle.io/v1/devices/450024001051353532343635/ReceiveSalesOrder

Payload is: "WorkCell":"Evap B","AssemblyNumber":"W11321261-F","DrawingNumber":"W11321261","UlNumber":"SA2340 - NIS 3","SalesOrderNumber":"012444","StartingQty":1,"EndingQty":720,"AutoPrintContainerLabels":false,"NumberOfStations":1

It also adds an access token to the request (request.AddParameter("access_token", "fad98eb145babb8e7e5c5724c89ceb2cd977f1af").

Are you able to make other API calls in Postman?

Did you follow the instructions for setting your access token in postman? Which technique did you use?

Update: origin app required additional configuration for TLS/SSL when making an API call. We are now successfully calling and transmitting.

Was a change recently made to the particle.io platform as it pertains to the token/configuration?

api.particle.io has always required TLS/SSL, but as of around July 9, 2024 it has required TLSv1.2 or higher.

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