Hello, I’m interested in this new generation of devices, have ordered one of each device and the ethernet accessory and hope they all “mesh” well. I’ve noticed somewhat of what i’ll call a “gap” between the spec/data sheets and the discussions of the actual implementation. for example, datasheet states device has bluetooth ble 5.0, yet discussion is that the actual bluetooth implementation is not the full feature set but rather a seemingly small subset. at this point since there is no actual device available to test it’s up in the air as to if this may or may not impact projects i’m thinking of. But, I do think it is important for Particle to be as transparent as possible in all sales and promotional materials by stating in an obvious clear manner exactly what is going to be implemented throughout all the provided protocols rather than leaving the details to forum discussion. Last, is Particle going to fork the openthread project and do in house development particularly as concerns the security aspects? security on open source projects that are forked interest me in that the code developed must also be open sourced. Thank you.
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We’ll be providing notifications via our blog and email updates. As information like datasheets becomes available, we intend to share them with the community as early as possible, just as we’ve always done in the past. We also make our software like the Device OS available as open source and on Github. Any enhancements we make on top of OpenThread will also be available as open source.
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