I’m looking at adding some extra storage to my electron device to log data if the device cannot connect to the cloud. And as the device goes to deep sleep this data is lost each time.
So, i’m looking at adding some persistent storage.
I’ve tried an SD card module - and i can write to that OK.
I’m currently trying an eeprom 1mbit chip : eeprom chip
I’m currently having trouble getting the eeprom to work… not sure my address is correct!
But while googling options I’ve come across eMMC - SD card as chip…
I need to be able to store a variety of data on each entry - it could be upto 250 character long.
Ideally i want to store the data in a formatted string - which is what i would normally post to the cloud
There could be multiple strings stored if the device cannot connect to the cloud ( for what ever reason ) so i’d need to be able to retrieve these easily.
I prefer to use SPI NOR flash chips and the SPIFFS library.
Originally I used the ISSI IS25LQ080B 1 M x 8-bit chips but now use the Winbond W25Qxx line as they’re less expensive and available in much larger sizes.
Thanks - they look great.
I’m slowly learning about hardware and seen as i have thrown my self in the deep end - its a steep learning curve.
As they can write / read a file which would allow me to keep different data together - they look much easier to handle.
I’m going to order some and give them ago
I have tried to get something working - but i'm so out of my depth with this.
Ideally i'm looking at saving either multiple STRINGS or saving data into different text files.
Any pointers on where to start. Sadly as much as i enjoy learning all of this - its quite a change from my daily programming that i'm not finding the time to really get going.
I’d try the example 1-unittest-SpiFlashRK example directly in the SpiFlashRK library that’s used by SpiffsParticleRK and see if it passes the direct unit test of reading and writing the flash chip.