When trying to debug Electron with JTAG, OpenOCD throws following trace.
Any hint appreciated.
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.9.0 (2015-05-19-12:09)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
Info : auto-selecting first available session transport “jtag”. To override use 'transport select '.
adapter speed: 1000 kHz
adapter_nsrst_delay: 100
jtag_ntrst_delay: 100
none separate
cortex_m reset_config sysresetreq
Started by GNU ARM Eclipse
Info : clock speed 1000 kHz
Info : JTAG tap: stm32f2x.cpu tap/device found: 0x4ba00477 (mfg: 0x23b, part: 0xba00, ver: 0x4)
Info : JTAG tap: stm32f2x.bs tap/device found: 0x06411041 (mfg: 0x020, part: 0x6411, ver: 0x0)
Info : stm32f2x.cpu: hardware has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints
Info : accepting ‘gdb’ connection on tcp/3333
Info : device id = 0x20076411
Info : flash size = 1024kbytes
undefined debug reason 7 - target needs reset
Info : JTAG tap: stm32f2x.cpu tap/device found: 0x4ba00477 (mfg: 0x23b, part: 0xba00, ver: 0x4)
Info : JTAG tap: stm32f2x.bs tap/device found: 0x06411041 (mfg: 0x020, part: 0x6411, ver: 0x0)
target state: halted
target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread
xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0x08000a98 msp: 0x20020000
semihosting is enabled
Info : JTAG tap: stm32f2x.cpu tap/device found: 0x4ba00477 (mfg: 0x23b, part: 0xba00, ver: 0x4)
Info : JTAG tap: stm32f2x.bs tap/device found: 0x06411041 (mfg: 0x020, part: 0x6411, ver: 0x0)
target state: halted
target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread
xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0x08000a98 msp: 0x20020000, semihosting
Error: stm32x device protected
Error: failed erasing sectors 5 to 6
Error: flash_erase returned -4
Info : dropped ‘gdb’ connection