Spark Sharp for C# developers

Hi everybody,
I just started a little project on my own to make Spark Core working for C# developers after some comments/posts about that.

Take a look to Spark Sharp and feel free to add requests or issues.

I’m building a little iOS app too but it’s too buggy to make it work and share on Git, but we could talk about it (I’m not an Obj-C dev, I’m using Xamarin).


Very cool, thanks for sharing! Parsing server sent events in C# can be daunting, so I’m sure this will help lots of people :slight_smile:


It’s just a draft, but async SSE could be a “killer” feature. I’ll keep you in touch!

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Hi everybody,

a little update about the new features:

  1. new HTTP verbs to cover mostly all the Spark API:

  2. CallFunctionAsync for simple functions with no args

  3. GetVariableAsync for variable values

  4. ListTokensAsync, DeleteTokenAsync, PostAuthAsync for Authorization management.

  5. All the related Response type to wrap JSON data.


  1. new idea about configuration, mostly saved on an embedded xml file.


  1. Fix the DELETE
  2. Add arguments to the CallFunctionAsync
  3. Find a way to list all the functions/variables on the core (Does it exist?).
  4. Build some local storage (Access / ADO .NET / Sqlite).
  5. Use SSE events properly (it’s just a good start)

Other Ideas?

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Hi @Barabba I’ve been playing with Spark and C# and this is how I get all variables and functions. First I get the devices and if they are connected I update my device object with data on variables and functions. I don’t get why a device listed by …/devices? call are different from the device listed by …/devices/[deviceID]? but I just parse out the significant device data from the second call (variables, functions etc).

using (HttpClient hc = new HttpClient())
string json = hc.GetStringAsync(“” + _accessToken.token).Result;
devices = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List>(json);
foreach (Device device in devices)
if (device.connected)
device.accessToken = _accessToken;
json = hc.GetStringAsync(“” + + “?access_token=” + device.accessToken.token).Result;
Device tmpDevice = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
device.variables = tmpDevice.variables == null ? new Dictionary<string,string>() : tmpDevice.variables;
device.functions = tmpDevice.functions == null ? new List() : tmpDevice.functions;
device.cc3000_patch_version = tmpDevice.cc3000_patch_version;

I’ll try it and let you know. Does the REST call return function arguments too?

@Barabba No, as far as I understand I just supports one argument and that’s a “args=string”? I don’t know the supported max length of the parameter value (if you can use JSON to turbo charge it). The way I see it you don’t really have any way of saying how your function is exposed, it’s just magic mapping the “args” parameter to your function (not like Web API). I need to do more testing (in lack of documentation :wink: ).

I have written code (in a C# Spark API of my own, before I saw yours) that:

  1. Log in and gets all access tokens, creates a new one if needed (can delete old ones)
  2. Gets all devices and their functions and variables
  3. I made a naming convention for humidity, temperature, switches (relays) functions and variables on Spark so that the C# lib finds them and lists them as separate generic virtual sensors etc.
  4. Added naming support so that one can give a temp sensor a name like “bathroom” and then check for the temp in the “bathroom” with a generics call regardless of where and how that sensor is connected

So I kind of took a different approach then you I think? It’s not on Github but I’d be happy to share code if it is anything you may need that I might have solved. In my API the Spark implementation is just a provider so that I can mix different providers that expose ITemperature devices for instance. Or something compleatly different like a ISun device that expose methods for sunrise and sunset from a weather site or a outdoor light sensor (my current uses

Hi @Barabba
This looks great. I have been looking into developing something similar and thanks for doing it. Were you able to write the iPhoe app using Xamarin? I am not an Obj-C dev also and looking to develop iPhone and Android apps to control my spark cores using Xamarin.

Thank you

Maybe we can merge something into a common library! I’ve to build a lot of features (when possible :smile:)
but, I’ve 3 ideas about the function list:

  1. To add a standard API to return the list of all the functions present in the Spark Firmware, maybe a JSon, with an hardcoded naming convention.
  2. Use the spark-cli client and call the spark list command on the server to return the list
  3. Use the Javascript API…

I don’t like 2 and 3 too much…

I’m using Xamarin! But for personal interest maybe I will go on Swift, not ready sure about it.

Can you post a link to your xamarin code? I’d really like to know how you used xamarin to interact with the core.


My Xamarin Code is actually a piece of Class Library + a textbox area, nothing trascendental! I will keep you updated if something changes if you’re interested :wink:

how do i use this i dont understand

@Jeffery, this applies here too

Hi there, done some updates and bug fixing(the C# library on the site seems overcomplicated to me)
I need testers :smile:


coming a little late to this apparently. Are you building a lib to work with the spark core devices only or spark and photon, also is this meant to be only local or local and web?