One other thing. If your board is like a similar Adafruit one, where the SPI lines are shared between the TFT and the SD slot, you should not use A2 (SPI SS) on the Core, but use two "untied" pins - one as CS for the TFT and another as CS for the SD.
Hi ScruffR!
Thanks for your help. I had this mixed also in the wires plugged to the core, but after fixing it, the white screen still appears, without any other clue.
I tried also with the library ILI9341, which is even in the spark cloud repository, having the same results: white screen. I think that maybe is something. Only for being sure, all the pins of the spark core have 3,3 v, right?
3.3V for all Core pins is correct. On the link you posted I couldn’t find any indication if this board needs 3.3V or 5V.
With my Adafruit TFT board I had the white screen effect when inserting an SD card, causing the voltage to slightly drop for a very short time.
So it could be that 3.3V or the current via 3V3 is not enough.
How are you powering your setup? From a USB port or a wall wart?
If you can confirm that the board is 5V tolerant, try connecting Vcc to the Cores Vin instead of 3V3.
@albertuslm, I have the same display board with an ILI9341. The board can be powered with 5V as there is a regulator onboard. The LED can be powered off 5V also but with a current limiting resistor like a 220 ohm to start with (otherwise you will burn out the LEDs).
ALL signals have to be 3.3v max. Start with the display only, then add the SD.
Many thanks ScruffR and peekay123, and thanks peekay for doing the adaptation to Spark core of this library!
As you, peekay, are using it and have the same model as I have, please, could you explain me the disposal of the pins you are using? Sorry, but I am totally lost, having always the white screen.
I am starting only with the display, hehehehe, i am neubie with Arduino / Spark / iOT
please help!, i had the same probem with my screen ILI9340, i tried to fix it follow this topic but having always the white screen,. any one can help me?