I’ve been using my core for some time it hadn’t occurred any problem since now, when plugged in the color immediately turns red and blinks for about 2 seconds. I tried the hard reset when holding both the mode and reset, still no color yellow when the mode button is released.
Could you be a bit more precise what kind of red blinking you see
For a factory reset you only release the RESET button and keep the MODE button pressend until it first starts flashing yellow - still keep it pressed till it starts flashing white
Edit, link to factory reset topic here: http://docs.spark.io/connect/#appendix-factory-reset
@Moors7: Thanks, I was looking for that, but failed to find it
Yup thanks! its already blinking blue, btw is there any possibility that a spark core will die? Literally die, not work?
Any technical device can die out of a multitude of reasons.
But Spark has not planned on any Core to do so
Then I think that would be very great for my team, thank you!