Setting Up Electron

My particle electron 3g (model num: SARA-U260) isn't getting detected by the online particle software. It shows up as an electron and will pair but the software doesn't detect it. Does this board and card still work and if it does how should I go about setting it up?

Which setup tool are you using?

What do you mean the software doesn't detect it? Does it display an error? What is the exact error?

You could try the Web Device Doctor to see if it has a more verbose error.

Also, where are you located? If you are in the United States there is a very small window of time the Electron U260 will continue to work. It will no longer connect to AT&T, which has shut down all 2G and 3G. It may be able to connect to T-Mobile 2G, but T-Mobile has shut down 3G service and will be shutting down 2G very soon.

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