Thanks that helps clear that up, however I am still unable to flash the compiled binary to my electron. Any thoughts on why that might be?
> particle flash --serial .\testApp.bin
! PROTIP: Hold the SETUP button on your device until it blinks blue!
? Press ENTER when your device is blinking BLUE
sending file: .\testApp.bin
Error writing firmware: Transfer cancelled
Try via DFU Mode and particle flash --usb ./testApp.bin -v
You can also check the binary via particle binary inspect testApp.bin to see what platform it’s targeted at.
And also check the device via particle serial inspect (in Listening Mode) to make sure the bootloader isn’t out of sync with your device OS (you can post the output for us to have a look).
Thanks, that helped. It was still compiling for photon for some reason. I had to delete the target folder and build again to have it targeted at the electron.