Schedule event every day at 6 PM

Hi there,

I want to schedule an event ( put high a pin ) every day at 6:00 PM

To do this I made this code:

void loop()
  /* Send sensors data  */
  if( (Time.minute() % 5 == 0) && (Time.second() == 0) )
  /* Start Irrigation System */
  if( (Time.hour() == 18) && (Time.minute() == 14) && (Time.second() == 0) )
      Particle.publish( "IrrigationSystemStatus", "started", 60, PRIVATE );
  /* Request time synchronization from the Particle Cloud */
  if( (Time.hour() == 0) && (Time.minute() == 0) && (Time.second() == 0) )

Every thing works, but thus is the problem each evet is sent 4 times because when 18:00:00 comes, the second if is true for an entire second and with the delay of 200 ms the code inside this loop is executed 4 times.

I set 1 seconds as delay, but there is the risk that the code won’t executed.

I think to use a flag variable but I need to this a mechanism to reset this variable.

The mills function should be fine for the first IF, but to schedule an event at 6:00:00 is not a precise.

Any advice?


First I’d not test for multiple fields when checking for a time but for the combined time - easiest would be seconds as this is what Time.local() gives you back already.
Next I would not check for equality but always for greater or equal in conjunction with a “once per day” flag, otherwise you may miss a whole day when you miss the particular second.

So I’d go with something like this

const int timeAction = 18*3600 + 14*60 + 00; // hh+mm+ss
int previousDay = 0;

void setup() {;
void loop() {
  if (previousDay != &&  Time.local() % 86400 >= timeAction) {
    previousDay =;

Hi ScruffR,

thnaks for the example! Very usefull!

I have another two questions:

  • How to trigger an event every 5 minutes? Time.local() % 300 may be invalid is the loop delay is 200 ms. In this case I need a flag variable.

    ‘if( (Time.local() % 300) == 0 )

  • Is it necessary to update the system time with Particle.syncTime once a day?

    if( (Time.hour() == 0) && (Time.minute() == 0) && (Time.second() == 0) )

Thanks for your time!

Depending on your needs for precission you may want to resync once a day or once a week or month.
But whenever a new cloud connection is established an implicit resync will happen anyway.
If you decide to stick with once a day I’d just stuff it into the 18:14:00 block - that’s done once a day too.

For the 5 minute task, it’s just the same: Don’t check for equality.
And in this case you don’t just want to store the day you last performed this, but the actual time.

int previousTime = 0;

  if (Time.local() - previousTime >= 300) {
    previousTime = Time.local();
    previousTime -= (previousTime % 300); // optional to act on 5min boundary

If you don’t care about the 5min bounds but just round about every five minutes, I’d go with the commonly used millis() timing or use a Software Timer.

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I prefer to use the unix time because I want to send data every 5 min.
And in this way I can set a loop delay equal to 1000.

Have a nice day!

The best practice would be to not use any delay but have your loop() run completely free.
And the two alternatives I mentioned will allow 5 minute intervals just the same, so I don't quite understand your argument