Hi there. For a product I am developing, I would like to set each photon I use in my product to a custom (unique) name BEFORE shipping them out to customers. I already figured out how to customize the SSID – thanks to this forum. But I can’t figure out how to rename a device before it’s connected to the cloud. Is it possible via DFU?
The name of the device is not stored on the device but only the device ID is.
To create the relation between device ID and name the cloud needs to know about the device and you tell the cloud what name to link to it.
Thanks. I suspected that might be the case when I couldn’t find anything regarding the device name in the DFU memory map.
Here’s the followup question: Is it possible to change the name from within the Particle firmware code? As in, when it boots up, have it rename itself?
Interesting question 
I guess it would be possible when you just tap that same API from the device via a HTTPSClient object or a webhook.