Power / Code Inquiries with Servo and Infrared Distance Sensor

Yes that is the one! Ill have a look. Thankyou.

[quote="ScruffR, post:20, topic:22294"]
Do you mean the Adafruit Audio FX Soundboard?
[/quote] Yep, with the stereo output and 2MB storage space

Here is my current code for some context.

int Soundfx = D0; // Use the onboard Uno LED
int isObstaclePin = A0;  // This is our input pin
int isObstacle = HIGH;  // HIGH MEANS NO OBSTACLE

void setup() {
  pinMode(Soundfx, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(isObstaclePin, INPUT);

void loop() {
  isObstacle = digitalRead(isObstaclePin);
  if (isObstacle == HIGH)
    Serial.println("OBSTACLE!!, OBSTACLE!!");
    digitalWrite(Soundfx, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(Soundfx, LOW);

I was referring to this which i believe you sent me earlier in the thread!

if distance > min1 and distance < max1
  trigger audio1
else if distance >= max1 and distance < min2
  trigger audio2
else if distance >= min2 and distance < min3
  trigger audio3
  turn off all audio
end if

Can you help translate this into real code?

the whole circuit works with the sound pin audio working great to, now i just want to incorporate two more sounds on two more pins and have them all triggered individually by different lengths of measurement like above.

I can't remeber that - and can't find it in this thread either :confused:

BTW: Don't double post one question - I'll pull your other thread over here

So here is my current code.

int Soundfx = D0; // Use the onboard Uno LED
int isObstaclePin = A0;  // This is our input pin
int isObstacle = HIGH;  // HIGH MEANS NO OBSTACLE

void setup() {
  pinMode(Soundfx, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(isObstaclePin, INPUT);

void loop() {
  isObstacle = digitalRead(isObstaclePin);
  if (isObstacle == LOW)
    Serial.println("OBSTACLE!!, OBSTACLE!!");
    digitalWrite(Soundfx, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(Soundfx, LOW);

I turn on the electronics, and the sound plays only if there isnt interaction.
So how do i make it play only when there is an obstacle detected??

@ScruffR !!!

Check your IF/ELSE statements?

I could, but the sensor you have got there is only a digital output (obstacle or no obstacle) but does not provide the distance - as the first sensor you had in mind did.

And about the sound playing or not, you might have to invert the logic on the Soundfx pin - or do you also get the Serial.print() messages the wrong way round?
The sensor is active LOW, so the messages should be fine, but - as said - I don't know if the sound board expects a LOW or a HIGH to play the tune.

if this sensor was able to do distance, how would i go about it?
it triggers from a LOW, i fixed this issue luckily.

just wanting to work out how to add these other two sounds in.

This would be one easy to understand way

  int reading = analogRead(sensor);             // get the ADC reading
  int voltage = 3300 * reading / 4095;          // convert to mV
  int distance = map(voltage, 0, 3300, 4, 80);  // convert full voltage range to 4cm ~ 80cm (linear despite datasheet shows slight curve)

  if      (min1 <= distance && distance < max1) // if value is between min and max
  else if (min2 <= distance && distance < max2)
  else if (min3 <= distance && distance < max3)
    playAudio(-1); // treat -1 as OFF