- Particle Build (Web IDE)
- Particle Dev (Local IDE)
- Particle CLI
- Local compile via make
0 voters
0 voters
Dev for ‘real’ projects.
Web for quick and dirty library tests.
I use the Cloud9 IDE with CLI and the web IDE to browse libraries.
I print out the .bin file and while reading it byte for byte, tap out sequence of 0’s and 1’s to the device using a pair of microswitches.
It used to take a long time on the core, but with the small binaries on the Photon it’s a breeze!
I use the webide now to learn how to use everything. later i want to start using the local dev to manage me development in-house.
@mdma: Nice try . Think of all the time you could save by outsourcing that job. You might also want to make sure that the switches have a very good debouncing circuit, or your rocket could very well end up heading to China instead of to the moon.
Personally, I use the Local IDE…at least until I ended up having to do a local compile to experiment with the LATEST, DEVELOP and other branches. At the moment, my code is primarily in a local build. I FLASH the binary via DFU-Util, and a shortcut in the Windows Explorer “Send To” menu.
Wow, that’s hard core…
We used the same approach for a while, but we finally bit the bullet and invested in a clan of gelada baboons. It took a while, but once they figured out how to use fashion a sort of rudimentary lathe, they were able to make the tools they needed to tap on the microswitches. (I know what you’re thinking - it’s not a problem. We hire interns to take care of that.)
Life is good. Cheers,
I use both Particle Dev and the CLI. Recently I got particle Dev working on linux, so my daily usage of Particle CLI has decreased. I use Particle CLI with Travis CI.
I clicked on WebIDE because I thought multiple selections were possible as I’m using WebIDE and particle-cli. I’m also looking forward to using local compiling once I have more time on my hands.
Web for funzies, and CLI when I’m feeling ambitious and/or had espresso.
I too voted for WebIDE thinking that multiple selections were possible.
(I flash the SIMON game onto my Internet Button what I feel like having a few minutes of distraction!)
@ladysarakat That. Sounds. AWESOME!!! Can you post the SIMON game in project shares or tutorials? I’d love to see it!
@christine Sure, I can absolutely share how I got it. I didn’t write it, I’ve only found it! It is definitely neat though, and works exactly as expected.
Nice, where they able to deal with the rock monster local to their area with the rudimentary lathe? If so, you should write a paper on the method they used so I can take care of the one on my planet.
Hard core... or hard photon?
(•_•) ( •_•)>⌐□-□ (⌐□_□)
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Given there is no “other” option in the survey why do the percentages only add up to 97%?
The remaining 3% are in a superposition, indecisive of whether or not to materialize or remain waveforms(?)