Pogo pins to connect the JTAG on the SoM?

Hey! On the SoM module there are 4 pads for the JTAG. On the eval board, there are 4 pogo pins that are meant for connection to these pads. I can't find pogo pins that are small enough to work. It would appear that all of mil-max's pins have too large of a footprint to fit on the PCB in the required 2.5mm grid.


I used this one on a board:

Maximum Working Height 0.125" (3.18mm)
Recommended Working Height 0.098" (2.50mm)
Minimum Working Height 0.070" (1.78mm)
Mill-Max Manufacturing Corp. 0926-1-15-20-75-14-11-0

A little bit more research I found one that's a bit smaller:
Initially I was a bit worried because of how close the pads are together, but it should be fine. Thanks!

Mill Max 0926-1-15-20-75-14-11-0, which is too tall (see image), and puts extra pressure on the b-som. Any idea what the other pins are?

Edit. Just realized these are through hole components

This is what I suspect the SMD version to be:


Are there specific reasons you want the SWD/JTAG pogo pins on your base board?

Reasons to add them:

  • Flashing nRF52 devices (B-SoM) by SWD is very fast with the Segger J/LINK
  • Could be useful for source level debugging

Reasons to not add them:

  • M-SoM has its SWD pins on the M.2 connector, so the pogo pins are not needed
  • Segger J/LINK cannot currently be used with the M-SoM (though CMSIS/DAP debuggers can be used)
  • Adding pogo pins increases the cost of your base board

As source-level debugging is often not necessary in production, one option is to develop your software initially using the M.2 eval board, so you can take advantage of the 10-pin debugging connector rather than putting SWD debugging on your board.

The 10-pin debugging connector also adds to the cost, however one good alternative is to use Tag-Connect so you only need a series of holes on your board instead of a connector.

If you do omit SWD from your base board, we do recommend you include USB, status LED, reset, and mode buttons.


Thank you for the insight Rick.

I have the Pogo pins on this version of the board for debugging, and a lot of uploading during testing. Good to know the M-SoM does not use the JTag.

These pins are slightly different but are compatible with the Eval Board.

I do have the USB, status LED, reset, and mode buttons. :slight_smile:

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