Photon not connecting ECONN REFUSED error

I have two Photons, both get the same error. ECONN REFUSED
They were all programmed and running. but then they sat awhile and now I can’t get either one to connect.

I have tried both the Android phone and the USB. I searched everything i could about ECONN Refused errors, even setup an old G wireless router just for these photons. Still nothing. I successfully updated the firmware via USB.

I am at my wits end and broke down and bought a couple of Raspberry PI’s. But I had alot of fun programming the Photons and don’t really want to give up yet.

Any Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


What code is running on the device?
What does the RGB LED do?
Where do you get that error?
Have you set static IP at anytime before?
Try reverting to Tinker app.