I have a Photon project which has been working great for several years. It’s a familamp that sends colors to several Photons running the FastLED library. It’s been working flawlessly up until recently. One of my devices stopped responding to a button in the device. The button uses the clickbutton library to detect a button press - it basically just grounds D0.
Well, one device has stopped responding to the button. I thought the button had gone bad but testing shows it’s working fine. I tried manually jumpering D0 to Gnd but no luck. I tried changing the sketch, re-flashing to use D1 and jumpering that pin to Gnd - still nothing.
I have a script that uses curl to send api commands and that works fine to send the color change and my device responds accordingly. It just doesn’t want to respond to any hardware inputs.
I guess I’m left with some kind of hardware failure and I need to replace the Photon. Just posting this in case someone has any other ideas before I swap it out.