! Something went wrong: Serial timed out while initially listening to device, please ensure device is in listening mode with particle usb start-listening
EDIT: works fine in Windows 11 with Chrome. My issue was Linux with CLI with Linux with Chrome.
I'm pretty sure the item is failed, as received. First time in about 20. I'm trying to use it anyway. I can get it to 'mostly work' by manually forcing DFU and installing my application. But even if I do setup-done and get normal lights the 1) blue setup light pops back on. The are two other functional problems: 2) no wifi at all. 3) occasional serial glitches. These aren't show-stoppers and the unit can be a prototype tester.
I bought the unit last December and just got around to using it
I've tried everything I can think of such as factory reset etc.
The only other useful clue is that the web installer identifies the device as 'P2 paired'. So I've tried turning off every bluetooth device I can find. None of my other devices had the problem and I'm not sure if they also displayed as 'paired.'