Photon 2 RTL872xD ADC Input Impedance

I was looking for the input impedance for the RTL872xD, and saw that there were two possible values.

When the Photon 2 does an analog read, does it operate in bypass mode (4 MΩ)?
Also, do we know what the resistor divider mode does? I do want to measure a resistor divider, but if the only difference is 8x less impedance then it probably won't make much of a difference for me. Especially not if it's not available in the Device OS.

Resistor divider mode is only used for VBAT_MEAS to reduce the voltage to the 3.3V ADC limit, that is to say there is just a fixed voltage divider before the ADC Input.

If you have a voltage divider before your input, it will work better if it's a relatively small resistance across both legs. Because of the high impedance of the RTL872x ADC, you may get inaccurate readings if you have a large resistance on the input.

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Got it, thanks.

How small would you recommend R1 to be? I was planning on using 10 kΩ.

10K should be fine.

It's just if you're trying to minimize leakage current and use like 100K or 1MΩ resistors that you'll run into trouble.

Yeah I’m planning on only supplying 3.3V when I need to measure it. R1 = 10k and R2 is something less than ~470k.