Photon 2 + adafruit neopixel spi library error

If you try to load and run any of the example code from the adafruit neopixel you get this error on the photon 2.

../hal/tron/pinmap_defines.h:38:29: invalid user-defined conversion from 'int' to 'SPIClass&' [-fpermissive]


../hal/tron/pinmap_defines.h:38:29: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'hal_spi_interface_t' [-fpermissive]


../hal/tron/pinmap_defines.h:38:29: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'hal_spi_interface_t' [-fpermissive]


rgbw-strandtest.ino:47:59: conversion to non-const reference type 'class SPIClass&' from rvalue of type 'SPIClass' [-fpermissive]

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