I had a last P1 module, working till today the morning, and i tried to flash again the tinker firmware. Something went wrong, i don’t know and i don’t want to know what, during update and now P1 can’t connect to Wi-Fi, its Wi-Fi is off. If i try DFU, it turns in blinking green (cloud not connected).
Is the 3rd Particle module that i lose during experimenting. I also lost and a PHOTON module, damaged from connection to a MAX485.
I will try a last DFU and upload the messages from CLI.
OK here is what CLI says
Microsoft Windows [Έκδοση 6.1.7601]
Πνευματικά δικαιώματα (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Με επιφύλαξη κάθε νόμιμου δικαιώματος.
C:\Users\FOTIOS>particle doctor
The Device Doctor will put your device back into a healthy state
It will:
- Upgrade system firmware
- Flash the default Tinker app
- Reset the device and server keys
- Clear the Wi-Fi settings
The Doctor will operate on your P1 connected over USB
You'll be asked to put your device in DFU mode several times to reset different settings.
Updating system firmware
Put the device in DFU mode
Tap RESET/RST while holding MODE/SETUP until the device blinks yellow.
? Select Continue when ready Continue
> Your device is ready for a system update.
> This process should take about 30 seconds. Here it goes!
! System firmware update successfully completed!
> Your device should now restart automatically.
Flashing the Device Doctor app
This app allows changing more settings on your device
Put the device in DFU mode
Tap RESET/RST while holding MODE/SETUP until the device blinks yellow.
? Select Continue when ready Continue
Flash success!
Configure IP address
? Select how the device will be assigned an IP address Dynamic IP
Switched to dynamic IP
Clear all data in EEPROM storage
? Select Continue when ready Continue
Cleared EEPROM data
Clearing and setting up Wi-Fi settings
? Select Continue when ready Continue
Cleared Wi-Fi credentials
Entering listen mode
? Should I scan for nearby Wi-Fi networks? No
Attempting to configure Wi-Fi on COM6
? SSID Forthnet-xxxxxx
? Security Type WPA
? Wi-Fi Password xxxxxx
Done! Your device should now restart.
Resetting server and device keys
Put the device in DFU mode
Tap RESET/RST while holding MODE/SETUP until the device blinks yellow.
? Select Continue when ready Continue
Found DFU device 2b04:d008
spawning dfu-util -d 2b04:d008 -a 1 -i 0 -s 2082 -D C:\Users\FOTIOS\AppData\Local\particle\node_modules\particle-cli\keys\rsa.pub.der
dfu-util 0.8
Copyright 2005-2009 Weston Schmidt, Harald Welte and OpenMoko Inc.
Copyright 2010-2014 Tormod Volden and Stefan Schmidt
This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
Please report bugs to dfu-util@lists.gnumonks.org
Opening DFU capable USB device...
ID 2b04:d008
Run-time device DFU version 011a
Claiming USB DFU Interface...
Setting Alternate Setting #1 ...
Determining device status: state = dfuIDLE, status = 0
dfuIDLE, continuing
DFU mode device DFU version 011a
Device returned transfer size 4096
DfuSe interface name: "DCT Flash "
Downloading to address = 0x00000822, size = 512
Download [=========================] 100% 512 bytes
Download done.
File downloaded successfully
Invalid DFU suffix signature
A valid DFU suffix will be required in a future dfu-util release!!!
Okay! New keys in place, your device will not restart.
Found DFU device 2b04:d008
Found DFU device 2b04:d008
Error creating keys... Error: Command failed: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "openssl genrsa -out 490033001751353431383737_rsa_new.pem 1024"
'openssl' ??? ??????????? ?? ??????? ? ??????? ??????,
???????? ??????? ? ?????? ???? ?????????.
Make sure your device is in DFU mode (blinking yellow), and that your computer is online.
Error - Error: Command failed: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "openssl genrsa -out 490033001751353431383737_rsa_new.pem 1024"
'openssl' ??? ??????????? ?? ??????? ? ??????? ??????,
???????? ??????? ? ?????? ???? ?????????.
The Doctor didn't complete sucesfully. Command failed: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "openssl genrsa -out 490033001751353431383737_rsa_new.pem 1024"
'openssl' ??? ??????????? ?? ??????? ? ??????? ??????,
???????? ??????? ? ?????? ???? ?????????.
> Please visit our community forums for help with this error:
Where is that to check?
OK, another one: After DFU completion and fail, P1 blinks green and after a while it breathes green, that shows cloud not connected. The good news is that the WiFi works, i can see P1 listed in associated devices of router.
Having it installed does not automatically mean it’s available in your PATH, which is why I’d recommend you to follow the tutorial I’ve linked to above. You might be able to see it, but the command prompt can’t, since it doesn’t know where to look, which is what you’re telling it by adding it to the PATH.
Thanks Jordy for your assistance. I don't think that i could do that. I'm tired to open sequentially sites to gather information. The last one reffers to another site, there is a lot of details, pain in my eyes and head, only students could have so many patience to try such things. I'm not student, am 35 years electronic engineer and try to built a IOT application for commercial use. I'm sorry to say that, Particle is very promising but not yet a Pro tool, maybe after one year.
I will give a try to remove again everything from PC, reinstall following Particle instructions.
This "npm update -g particle-cli" command i used today morning and after that CLI collapsed.
Particle is most definitely ready for commercial use, and is already being used as such. Depending on what your needs are, you might need more or fewer tools. Depending on the environment that you’re developing in, this can become more or less complex. the more factors you add in, the more susceptible to errors things become. No two (Windows) computers are alike, which doesn’t help.
As I’ve mentioned to you in another topic, give the Windows installer a shot. That should include all the necessities for the CLI to perform its duties.
I don't know the path to DFU.
From memory, in the previous CLI installation, under the directory Particle, there was all subdirectories and executable files.
Now there are just two with extension .json. What is that again?
Microsoft Windows [Έκδοση 6.1.7601]
Πνευματικά δικαιώματα (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Με επιφύλαξη κάθε νόμιμου δικαιώματος.
C:\Users\FOTIOS>cd .particle
Ο τόμος στη μονάδα δίσκου C δεν έχει ετικέτα
Ο αριθμός σειράς του τόμου είναι 509F-31C0
Now, after installation, neither particle CLI works. The P1 module is normally connected at COM6 (in Windows–>device manager). I had exactly the same issue yesterday the morning, when i tried npm install -g particle-cli. From then, everything went wrong, you have read the story.
Now i receive the same message: ! Error loading module ‘serialport’: Cannot find module 'serialport’ Please reinstall the CLI again using npm install -g particle-cli
Seeing as you’ve been doing a couple things simultaneously, whilst not doing certain others, I have no idea where we’re at anymore. At this point, a fresh start would be nice.
Uninstall everything related to Particle by using the command line (npm uninstall -g particle-cli, npm uninstall particle-cli)
Uninstall everything Particle related from ‘Programs/apps and features’ in Windows.
Remove everything in the installation directories related to Particle.
Then, please run the Windows installer and let us know exactly what it does, rather than saying ‘it doesn’t work’.
Thanks Jordy. Though i did exactly the same yesterday all day, i will give a new try. BTW i can see in forum and other people having troubles with “npm install -g particle-cli”.
That's exactly why you should try the installer instead
Many of the problems with npm install -g particle-cli are rooted in the incompatibility of node versions. And that should not happen with the installer as it brings its own node version.
Hi Jordy
I did everything and exactly what you advised me. Uninstalled and removed everything, reboot of PC, and run Windows CLI installer.
Unfortunatelly i got the same result. P1 can’t connect to cloud server. It breathes green and if the USB plug disconnected - connected to PC it breathes white. The USB driver is correct, in windows device manager P1 is listed as connected to COM6. It is also not connected to WLAN of router and i will try that later. Here is what CLI shows:
Microsoft Windows [Έκδοση 6.1.7601]
Πνευματικά δικαιώματα (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Με επιφύλαξη κάθε νόμιμου δικαιώματος.
Ο τόμος στη μονάδα δίσκου C δεν έχει ετικέτα
Ο αριθμός σειράς του τόμου είναι 509F-31C0
Κατάλογος του C:\Users\FOTIOS
05/12/2017 07:29 μμ <DIR> .
05/12/2017 07:29 μμ <DIR> ..
04/11/2017 08:09 μμ <DIR> .config
06/09/2016 09:37 μμ <DIR> .eclipse
16/11/2017 01:17 πμ <DIR> .kivy
19/11/2017 10:35 μμ <DIR> .mhc
08/06/2013 10:24 μμ <DIR> .mplabcomm
08/06/2013 10:22 μμ <DIR> .netbeans
07/10/2016 10:01 πμ <DIR> .oracle_jre_usage
05/12/2017 07:29 μμ <DIR> .particle
07/10/2013 07:45 πμ <DIR> .xmos
13/09/2017 06:38 πμ <DIR> Contacts
05/12/2017 07:19 μμ <DIR> Desktop
29/11/2017 10:00 μμ <DIR> Documents
05/12/2017 07:14 μμ <DIR> Downloads
16/12/2015 08:04 μμ <DIR> Dropbox
13/09/2017 06:38 πμ <DIR> Favorites
08/06/2013 10:29 μμ 0 ipe.properties
13/09/2017 06:38 πμ <DIR> Links
30/01/2013 06:34 μμ 114.688 modpoll.exe
08/06/2013 10:30 μμ 110 MPLABXLog.xml
08/06/2013 10:30 μμ 110 MPLABXLog.xml.1
08/06/2013 10:29 μμ 110 MPLABXLog.xml.2
08/06/2013 10:25 μμ 0 MPLABXLog.xml.3
08/06/2013 10:25 μμ 0 MPLABXLog.xml.3.lck
08/06/2013 10:29 μμ 110 MPLABXLog.xml.4
08/06/2013 10:29 μμ 7.940 MPLABXLog.xml.5
08/06/2013 10:29 μμ 110 MPLABXLog.xml.6
01/08/2017 05:42 μμ <DIR> MPLABXProjects
13/09/2017 06:38 πμ <DIR> Music
05/12/2017 06:46 μμ 27 package-lock.json
04/12/2017 09:51 μμ <DIR> Pictures
13/09/2017 06:38 πμ <DIR> Saved Games
13/09/2017 06:38 πμ <DIR> Searches
20/03/2015 01:10 μμ <DIR> Tracing
13/09/2017 06:38 πμ <DIR> Videos
15/02/2017 10:10 πμ <DIR> workspace
11 Αρχεία 123.205 byte
26 Κατάλογοι διαθέσιμα byte
C:\Users\FOTIOS>particle help
Welcome to the Particle Command line utility!
Version 1.27.0-rc.3
Usage: particle <command_name> <arguments>
Common Commands:
setup, list, call, get, device, identify, flash, subscribe
compile, monitor, login, logout, help, library
Less Common Commands:
token, binary, cloud, config, doctor, function, keys
serial, udp, update, variable, webhook, wireless
For more information Run: particle help <command_name>
C:\Users\FOTIOS>particle identify
Your device id is 490033001751353431383737
Your system firmware version is 0.6.3
C:\Users\FOTIOS>particle setup
_ __ _ _ _
| '_ \ __ _ _ __| |_(_) ___| | ___
| |_) |/ _` | '__| __| |/ __| |/ _ \
| __/| (_| | | | |_| | (__| | __/
|_| \__,_|_| \__|_|\___|_|\___|
> Setup is easy! Let's get started...
? Hello Stranger! This seems to be your first time here. What would you like to do? Login
> Let's get you logged in!
? Please enter your email address fotis@audioberry.com
? Please enter your password [hidden]
> Successfully completed login!
! PROTIP: Hold the MODE/SETUP button on your device until it blinks blue!
! PROTIP: Please make sure you are connected to the internet.
> I have detected a P1 connected via USB.
? Would you like to continue with this one? Yes
! The device supports setup via serial.
setting up device 490033001751353431383737
> Obtained magical secure claim code.
Claim code set. Now setting up Wi-Fi
? Should I scan for nearby Wi-Fi networks? Yes
? Uh oh, no networks found. Try again? No
Attempting to configure Wi-Fi on COM6
? SSID Forthnet-XXXXXX
? Security Type WPA
? Wi-Fi Password XXXXXX
Done! Your device should now restart.
! It doesn't look like your Photon has made it to the cloud yet.
? What would you like to do? Check again to see if the Photon has connected
! It doesn't look like your Photon has made it to the cloud yet.
? What would you like to do? Reconfigure the Wi-Fi settings of the Photon
! PROTIP: Hold the SETUP button on your device until it blinks blue!
Serial timed out
Potentially unhandled rejection [3] Serial timed out (WARNING: non-Error used)
? Press ENTER when your device is blinking BLUE
C:\Users\FOTIOS>particle serial wifi
? Should I scan for nearby Wi-Fi networks? Yes
? Uh oh, no networks found. Try again? No
Attempting to configure Wi-Fi on COM6
? SSID Forthnet-XXXXX
? Security Type WPA
? Wi-Fi Password XXXXX
Done! Your device should now restart.
C:\Users\FOTIOS>particle list
Felix [490033001751353431383737] (P1) is offline
C:\Users\FOTIOS>particle doctor
The Device Doctor will put your device back into a healthy state
It will:
- Upgrade system firmware
- Flash the default Tinker app
- Reset the device and server keys
- Clear the Wi-Fi settings
The Doctor will operate on your P1 connected over USB
You'll be asked to put your device in DFU mode several times to reset different settings.
Updating system firmware
Put the device in DFU mode
Tap RESET/RST while holding MODE/SETUP until the device blinks yellow.
? Select Continue when ready Continue
> Your device is ready for a system update.
> This process should take about 30 seconds. Here it goes!
! System firmware update successfully completed!
> Your device should now restart automatically.
Flashing the Device Doctor app
This app allows changing more settings on your device
Put the device in DFU mode
Tap RESET/RST while holding MODE/SETUP until the device blinks yellow.
? Select Continue when ready Continue
Flash success!
Configure IP address
? Select how the device will be assigned an IP address Dynamic IP
Switched to dynamic IP
Clear all data in EEPROM storage
? Select Continue when ready Continue
Cleared EEPROM data
Clearing and setting up Wi-Fi settings
? Select Continue when ready Continue
Cleared Wi-Fi credentials
Entering listen mode
? Should I scan for nearby Wi-Fi networks? Yes
? Uh oh, no networks found. Try again? No
Attempting to configure Wi-Fi on COM6
? SSID Forthnet-XXXXXX
? Security Type WPA
? Wi-Fi Password XXXXXX
Done! Your device should now restart.
Resetting server and device keys
Put the device in DFU mode
Tap RESET/RST while holding MODE/SETUP until the device blinks yellow.
? Select Continue when ready Continue
Found DFU device 2b04:d008
spawning dfu-util -d 2b04:d008 -a 1 -i 0 -s 2082 -D C:\Users\FOTIOS\AppData\Local\particle\node_modules\particle-cli\keys\rsa.pub.der
dfu-util 0.8
Copyright 2005-2009 Weston Schmidt, Harald Welte and OpenMoko Inc.
Copyright 2010-2014 Tormod Volden and Stefan Schmidt
This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
Please report bugs to dfu-util@lists.gnumonks.org
Opening DFU capable USB device...
ID 2b04:d008
Run-time device DFU version 011a
Claiming USB DFU Interface...
Setting Alternate Setting #1 ...
Determining device status: state = dfuIDLE, status = 0
dfuIDLE, continuing
DFU mode device DFU version 011a
Device returned transfer size 4096
DfuSe interface name: "DCT Flash "
Downloading to address = 0x00000822, size = 512
Download [=========================] 100% 512 bytes
Download done.
File downloaded successfully
Invalid DFU suffix signature
A valid DFU suffix will be required in a future dfu-util release!!!
Okay! New keys in place, your device will not restart.
Found DFU device 2b04:d008
Found DFU device 2b04:d008
Error creating keys... Error: Command failed: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "openssl genrsa -out 490033001751353431383737_rsa_new.pem 1024"
'openssl' ??? ??????????? ?? ??????? ? ??????? ??????,
???????? ??????? ? ?????? ???? ?????????.
Make sure your device is in DFU mode (blinking yellow), and that your computer is online.
Error - Error: Command failed: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "openssl genrsa -out 490033001751353431383737_rsa_new.pem 1024"
'openssl' ??? ??????????? ?? ??????? ? ??????? ??????,
???????? ??????? ? ?????? ???? ?????????.
The Doctor didn't complete sucesfully. Command failed: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "openssl genrsa -out 490033001751353431383737_rsa_new.pem 1024"
'openssl' ??? ??????????? ?? ??????? ? ??????? ??????,
???????? ??????? ? ?????? ???? ?????????.
> Please visit our community forums for help with this error:
Yes, i tried a Particle setup again and P1 can connect to WLAN. Fortunatelly P1 WiFi chip is working. Simply it breathes green showing that it can't connect to cloud, that is the error.
Good news. I’ve managed to put P1 in safe mode (breathing magenta). In CLI particle list is shown with its ID and nick name and that is online. I also reinstalled the desktop IDE and the P1 module is shown as connected. What you suggest to do now?
More good news.
Using the WEB IDE, i flashed the Tinker application and immediatly P1 turned again in helthy state! It breathes again cyan. Then i tried the Tinker using CLI and it works just fine.
Bravo Fotis!