Particle-cli Windows 7

Since it seems to have installed from Particle CLI with no apparent errors (albeit over two hours) should I assume that I no longer need to be concerned with asking our IT to open ports??? Just trying to figure where to look next.

Sounds like progress is being made but I’m not entirely certain you’re out of the woods yet. You mention running it as admin seems to recognize the command (I’m not entirely sure which one though, could you clarify if you mean particle, npm, or node)?

If it’s hanging on installing plugins, whatever is trying to grab plugins is likely still trying to reach out through ports that it may not be able to access–causing indefinite hanging.

Two hours seems like an unusually long time. I wonder if something is being throttled here.

Also, just a bit of a silly note, but by chance, you aren’t keeping a terminal window up during the particle exe installer, are you? Any terminal windows that are open before the installer finishes will have old session information and will not recognize any newly installed commands. I would ensure you’re actually opening up a new terminal window after your entire install is done.

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Just to close the loop, our network administer apparently whitelisted the domain as suggested by ninjatill. The install no longer hang on installing CLI dependencies and now correctly installs. Thank you to everyone for your help.