How many read,write,erase cycles Particle Argon’s internal file system will support during it’s life time of operation?
There is not a fixed limit. Each sector of the flash memory has a minimum of 10000 100000 erase cycles, but it could be much larger. On devices with a 2 MB flash file system (everything except the Tracker), that’s 512 sectors of 4096 bytes. Erases only occur at the sector level.
Each committed write of up to 4096 bytes will probably be two sector writes, one the for the data, and possibly one for metadata (file length, etc.). However if the write crosses a sector boundary, then that would involve one more sector.
The variability of the wear is because wear leveling occurs across all free sectors only. Since the file system is basically empty under normal circumstances, writes are spread out over nearly 500 sectors, so there is little wear on any given sector.
However, imagine you have filled it almost completely up so there are only 10 free sectors. Each erase will only be spread across 10 sectors because LittleFS never moves already written sectors that did not change. The wear on those 10 free sectors will be high, and low on every other one, which is not ideal.
How it will react if we delink that file and created new file again in a frequent interval (every Min) . I am using particle’s default built in file read write delink functions.
Assuming the file is less than 4096 bytes, that’s two sector writes per minute, or 2880 per day.
Assuming 400 free sectors, that’s writing each sector 7.2 times per day, so a minimum of 13880 days or 38 years.
Even if you only had 100 free sectors that’s still a minimum lifetime of 10 years.
You should be fine.
In my use case every second it has to scan BLE advertising packets from 50 devices and each data is 100 byte size (After Processing ) i.e 50 * 100 bytes and writes that data in that file every sec. After one minute the content of files will be read and sent via MQTT and that file will be deleted. Again new file will be created and it write 5000 bytes every second on that file
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